Expertise (CBED)

Chesapeake Bay Expertise Database

CBED allows scientists, managers, research funders, and other interested parties to identify experts at CRC member institutions and other CBP partner institutions through searches by scientific discipline, management area, research interests, or institution.   Please see the sidebar to learn more.
To become part of the CBED, simply register your  own expertise data here. The application process  is form driven and usually takes under 5 minutes. Your application will be processed within 2 weeks.

Following search, click on name to see email address & website (if allowed by registrant).
Search :     

Dr. Julia Maresca

Dr. Linsey Marr

Ms. Pamela Mason

Dr. Sara Maxwell

Ms. Karen McCabe

Dr. John McConaugha

Dr. Kevin McGuire

Dr. Lauren McPhillips

Dr. Patrick Megonigal

Dr. Jesse Meiller