Featured Member Publications

Note: This page is not yet well populated, but please stay tuned and plan to return! The page will ultimately provide citation information (and links where possible) to member-nominated peer-reviewed publications of special interest and/or broad application that are either recently published (within the last 12 months) or especially seminal and highly cited (>100 citations) . The highly cited publications will become part of our “permanent collection” and must be nominated by CBED members other than the authors. The listings of new publications will be a “rolling” list, with older entries removed quarterly.
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Boots on the Ground: Improving technical assistance for farmers

Farmers have been — and will continue to be — critical to the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay and the thousands of miles of local streams and rivers that provide the Bay’s life-blood of clean water. Since the beginning of the restoration effort, farmers working with agricultural conservation professionals have planted cover crops, practiced no-till crop management, established and maintained streamside buffers, and performed a litany of other conservation measures at an unprecedented scale. Their work is now paying the dividend of cleaner water.